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About: Ark Angel
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Elliotzilla's Neopets4us Theme Song
CODE CLUES (part of the new competition)

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To add this banner( advertisement) to your shop , and yes it will be much bigger when you actually do it type: <a href=""><img src=""> is a site made by a friend of mine and it is a neopets guild, starting out, needs members. Check it out, it meets my expectatioins --Ark Angel

12,6,02 Hey everyone Neopets is currently down!!

Hey! Hi everyone, this is Ark Angel here, the new owner of neopets4us.

I hope to be here for a long time and i Will inform you of all your neopets needs! Elliotzilla handed neopets4us down to me, and I will be sure to keep it running nice and smoothly like it was before. Ok, im me at Ronsorage7389 , ill make it a link later, peace!


add this to ur site to support then email me with ur code and ill support u

<a href="">
<img src=""></a> 
12/6/02 Melanie took back her "comments" but anyways there is a problem with neopets right now and none of the pages work, they will later but wave 5 is out. Wave four was hard, and wave 5 is Zombie Heroes and Lisha, both hard.
12/1/02 hey everyone, someone emailed me thinking neopets were real. she took my, they're virtual and you dont have to feed them as i am a cruel person. she thinks neopets are real creatures.  If you want to talk to her, and get this: she says shes shutting me down *laughs* and thinks im mean *laughs harder*, email her at this link. Everyone email her and tell her what a neopet is.  Please make her understand they are not real, and i will post her emails in my new sectin *smiles* "hate mail"
12/1/02 my new contact screen name is MechaAlias. Please IM me there, not ronsorage7389.
11/30/02 ALot of emails about old stuff. First of all meerca chase secrets have been taken down from neopets. Second, alot of games on teh site dont exist anymore, that is becauswe i havent taken down old owner stuff.  The lab ray is a collection of maps for those who asked about it.  My meerca chase box technique works well check the strategies.
11/30/02 Green Knights are easy, skeiths are semi hard, drakinacks are simple, morrises are easy, moehogs are hard, and mobs are simple. I have 47 points whoo hoo. Im planning on starting my own guild if you are interested email me with your neopets account and i will invite you.  It is a guild that supports Mortal Kombat :) --Ark Angel
its me the old owner again! theres a buyable yellow jetsam potion in my shop for only 95k!! real cheap huh :P
11/26/02 WAR WAR WAR neopets has war.  everyone who visits neopets4us join the evil side like me its so much fun --Ark Angel
10/28/02 Ghost section almost complete we have alot now thanks to reporter randomerf and me, we went through all teh pets and found all so far.
10/26/02 -12 midnight-  Neopets will be adding an all day massacre on halloween.  Supposedly the war starts on Hallo ween, so this thursday everyone better be ready to rumble.
10/26/02 Ghost pets are in thwe neo news, i went through all the pets and found everyone but if i missed any email me  and tell me the pet name and what color it is.
10/25/02 Tripod wasn't updating for awhile, THANK YOU FOR YOUR EMAILS! first two emails for the new owner, cliff hanger answers updated, and Lenny trivia as well, and thank you for all the emails again, i added how to make a krawk to the secrets page, added a bunch new cliffhanger answers, and i will soon fix the cooking pot page.
War Guide done.   The neo News has a special, jelly world coming? And also, I have decided only to keep 2 weeks of news on this page then it will be moved to old news.  When old news fills up too much, i will create old news #2, #3 etc.  By the Way, I'm in a guild: the project neopet adoption.  Search up silvahawk on neopets, and join today, its a great guild!
9,10, 02 Ark Angel: War Guide Partially Complete, I wrote a strategy guide to meerca chase, the neo news has been updated, most of Elliotzillas old news has been moved to the old news section ( i didnt delete it) and I hope that I will egt resumes to work on the site under the neo news section!  O....i forgot to add the space station and spooky world to the worlds list, ill do that soon :)
9,10,02 Ark Angel: Well with the War coming up and all, I'm writing a Guide To Neo-Wars.  It will contain mostly the best facts I can give out, and if anyone has any tips for Wars, just email Ark Angel
9,9,02 Ark Angel :
Neopets has updated, thank god.  The chapter 7 of the meridell chronicles is in action.  Also, I'm working on a new section, important neopets updates.  It will be Somewhat a forum for the staff( starting recruitments today just email for the info).  The important neopets updates will not be a part of the website it will be a link to another account because I cannot have staff that i barely know changing the website around without permission.  So if you are interested send me an Email and tell me just some stuff about you like your staff name, neopets name, what position you would like(news,unreleased items, unreleased pets, unreleased games) and i will check you out and maybe you'll get the position! Stay informed for new updates!  


I am ArkAngel.  Recently I have taken over neopets4us.  I will update all the information and keep neopets4us available to the new neopet users, and it will soon have all the newest neopet things.   Hope to help you stay informed with all your neopet needs!  If it's posted in blue, it's been done by me!

Yay, someone else has won!
I'm going to post some stuff later like new sponsers and things plus checking my mail and announcing the winner!



click on the email below to email me to enter contests or just say how the site is

Ark Angel's Email

all neopet picrures that i use or will use are copyright neopets.i did not make them neopets did and am borrowing them.

(everthing on this site is copyright michael bivins.except for the neopets stuff which is stated above)


whats your neopets username   **

what site did u get here from(neopet nesxus,shoyrumannia ect.or if u came on your own   **

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arent blumaroos cute?

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