my get rich quick sceme


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muaaahhahahahahahahah!!!muaahahahahhaaa hahahaahhaha gwaahahahhahaahahahhah!!!!!

ohh hi!excuse me for my mad raving but heres how i got rich.

1:be a cheap you know what i feed my pets?i feed them gross food.dont buy the most expensive and luxorious foods just to feed to ur pet.a simple grub will do. (Note: You don't have to feed your pets unless you wnat to--Ark Angel)

2:buy ur pet a cheap petpet.then u wont have to attend to it if the petpet keeps it busy. (Another Note: Petpets are good, but don't waste your time and money on them!-- Ark Angel)

3:if ur pet gets sick then just go to the healing springs until its better.dont spend money on those fancy smancy healing pruducts.

4:dont buy flat-u-less pills.just let ur pet un-bloat itself and everything will be ok (message from Elliotzilla:"Also don't forget the yellow healthshrooms that heal all health and cure any sickness!)(Healing Springs Does healing as well--Ark Angel) 

5:dont waste your time and money on a neohome.they do nothing 4 u or ur pet but waste time and money(Note: News says that soon neohomes will be liable to burn down, theifs, etc., just like real life according to Donna--Ark Angel) 

6:play every game avaible to u.including those boring games like treasure hunt.treasure hutn is a gold it as many times a day as u can.go to the tombola/fruit machine/and shrine every day(twice a day to the shrine with different pets)

7:invest in a lab map.they are at wholesale prices now.WHY BACK IN MY DAY!WE HAD TO WALK 30MILES BAREFOOT IN A SNOWSTORN JUST TO GET A WHOLE MAP!!well actually when i got my labmap it cost me 10k plus a map peice.certain ones costed over 20k.u kids get those map peices for under 10k will save u the time of buying a paont brush/codestones and dubloons. ( Note: lab map range 50k-100k for full map, mine was about 70k -- Ark Angel)

8:go to the omellette place.and use that to feed ur pet.if u have one pet tahts all it will ever need (Note: omelettes sell good too-- Ark Angel)

9:if the water faerie at the springs gives u a potion sell it.if u get random events sell all the items.yes yes even those good paint brushes u like to show off.

10Klast entry.when u are over 3mill buy a battledome weapon.i suggest wand of flamebolt/greater staff/or greate orb.u will dominate battledome and gain alot of respect.
11.(added by Ark Angel) The Wheel of Excitement is a good source of income.  Recently( depending on when you read this) I landed on Magic Item, and got 50k for it! Trust me the wheel of excitement is worth it.

follow thsoe steps u should be rich.have a strong painted pet.and have one that can kick bum in the battledome

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