Hey the *offical* newsletter from Neopets4us! Remember this does NOT update very often! 1,6,01 You know Yahoo messenger? Here is a complete list of the secret smileys (note: some can be done more than one way): Cow: 3:-0 3:-o 3:-O 3:O Rose: @};- Alien: =:) =:-) Skull: 8-X Pig :@) Monkey :(|) (NOTE: you need to make the symbol that's sharing a space with '\' to do the mouth. Not an L or a one...) Light Bulb *-:) American Flag **== 13,30,01 How was Christmas? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's almost new year! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Need some good names on the go? Here's some you can use for stories and stuff! Cygnoid (sig noyd) Prencilla (Prenn sill uh) Loftin (loff tinn) Troper (trow <first part rymes with mow> perr) Tyliffianuss (Ti liff <second part like lift except no 't' sound> ee eh nuss) Hofiton (hoff it un) Jayprill (J prill) Najical (nah jih cull) Zagruh (zagg ruh) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've only used ZAGRUH... Say, have you checked out my guild yet? Ok I g2g now. Bye! 11,19,01 The real deal on (leftover) Halloween candy! Here is a list of candies and what they are: Snickers and Snickers Cruncher: I don't exactly remember what's in these but they're good chocolate bars with peanuts and stuff! But it's not really my favorite... Rank: ** Twix: Mmm-mmm! I can't resist one of these!!! I... NEED... TWIX!!! It's a "cookie" bar with caramel and gooey chocolate (Plus crunchy stuff. That's why it's a cookie bar. It says so on the label) !!! This has got to be one of the best! Rank: ****** M&M's: Yes, the clssic M&M'S... I don't have much to say about them. It's just plain old chocolate in a *artificial* colour coating. Hellooooo everyone's been taking the idea now days. Rank: ** Nerds (From Neslte's "Wonka" company) Mmm yummy tar flavor! But once you suck all the coating off it's just sugar. Oh how appitizing! But it's a good candy. Nice and bite-sized, too. And one box comes with alot. Rank: **** Three Musketeers: Everyone loves the fluffy chocolate of Three Musketeers bars! Mmm how can you resist? Rank: **** Milky Way: You're wondering why I gave Three Musketeers such a low rank? This candy is exactly the same EXCEPT WITH CARAMEL, TOO!!! THE BEST THE BEST THE BESSSSSSSTTTTTTTT!!!!!! Rank: Da best! That's all for our report! New Deals: You can now get 2 apple pies for a buck! Not bad! Christmas is coming so keep an eye out for cool new toys(I doesn't have to be a toy... But you get the point. Everyone's making new stuff because Christmas is coming!)!!! That's all for now... Check back soon! |