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What's Up!  This Page is Pointless to neopets but check it out anyways!

Hey the *offical* newsletter from Neopets4us!
Remember this does NOT update very often!

You know Yahoo messenger?
Here is a complete list of the secret smileys (note: some can be done more than one way):


3:-0 3:-o 3:-O 3:O




=:) =:-)






:(|) (NOTE: you need to make the symbol that's sharing a space with '\' to do the mouth. Not an L or a one...)

Light Bulb


American Flag


How was Christmas?
It's almost new year!
Need some good names on the go?
Here's some you can use for stories and stuff!
Cygnoid (sig noyd)
Prencilla (Prenn sill uh)
Loftin (loff tinn)
Troper (trow <first part rymes with mow> perr)
Tyliffianuss (Ti liff <second part like lift except no 't' sound> ee eh nuss)
Hofiton (hoff it un)
Jayprill (J prill)
Najical (nah jih cull)
Zagruh (zagg ruh)
I've only used ZAGRUH...
Say, have you checked out my guild yet?
Ok I g2g now. Bye!
The real deal on (leftover) Halloween candy!
Here is a list of candies and what they are:

Snickers and Snickers Cruncher:
I don't exactly remember what's in these but they're good chocolate bars with peanuts and stuff! But it's not really my favorite...
Rank: **

Mmm-mmm! I can't resist one of these!!! I... NEED... TWIX!!! It's a "cookie" bar with caramel and gooey chocolate (Plus crunchy stuff. That's why it's a cookie bar. It says so on the label) !!! This has got to be one of the best!
Rank: ******

Yes, the clssic M&M'S...
I don't have much to say about them. It's just plain old chocolate in a *artificial* colour coating. Hellooooo everyone's been taking the idea now days.
Rank: **

Nerds (From Neslte's "Wonka" company)
Mmm yummy tar flavor! But once you suck all the coating off it's just sugar. Oh how appitizing! But it's a good candy. Nice and bite-sized, too. And one box comes with alot.
Rank: ****

Three Musketeers:
Everyone loves the fluffy chocolate of Three Musketeers bars! Mmm how can you resist?
Rank: ****

Milky Way:
You're wondering why I gave Three Musketeers such a low rank? This candy is exactly the same EXCEPT WITH CARAMEL, TOO!!! THE BEST THE BEST THE BESSSSSSSTTTTTTTT!!!!!!
Rank: Da best!

That's all for our report!

New Deals:
You can now get 2 apple pies for a buck! Not bad!
Christmas is coming so keep an eye out for cool new toys(I doesn't have to be a toy... But you get the point. Everyone's making new stuff because Christmas is coming!)!!!

That's all for now... Check back soon!

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