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i swear neopets is trying to stop you from making np!!the worst act in my history of neopets is that they made it were u can only go on a treasure hunt once a day!!!it used to be once every 2 i have found ways to get around this*cough*ive said to much.

next they made it were you can only play the wheel of excitement every hour instead of every 45minutes.

so heres whatctha gosta do to make lots of np in neopets.

1:play the tombola and fruitmachine everyday
2:play a game of cheat gain cash and possibly valuable battlecards(you might get a gold spectre battlecard which sells for at least 13k)
3:play lots of flash games.but flash games only give you limited cash.
4:my main ay of getting money.the chance and strategy neoknights,poogle,solitare,cheat,scratchcard game,and maybe even go!go!go!.there is more but i cant think of anymore.

5:and do teh treasure hunt game always(not around anymore).

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