If you want the coolest shop on the block, then you should follow some of these steps: Step One: Get a background for your shop. To find one, look at the competition's shop. Then veiw the HTML and copy the part of the code where it says the word 'background' and paste all of it in your shop thingy. You can also sometimes find backgrounds at the notice board. (If you don't want to do all this stupid work just copy this into your shop thingy for a snow flake bg: <body background="http://members.aol.com/tcianci/xmas15tile.gif"> ) Step Two: That was a bit hard. This is easier. If you want your shop to have a cool shadow effect, just paste the following HTML in your shop thingy: <TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=#bbbbbb, strength=10)"> For different shadow colors, try: RED: <TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=#ff0000, strength=10)"> PURPLE: <TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=#ff00ff, strength=10)"> LIME GREEN: <TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=#00ff00, strength=10)"> BLUE: <TABLE STYLE="filter:shadow(color=#0000ff, strength=10)"> Ok, here's the next step: Step Three: If you want a cool scroll-bar, then put in (It also makes your text a faint blue...): <style type=text/css>BODY { scrollbar-track-color: #F2F2F2; scrollbar-face-color: #CCCCCC; scrollbar-highlight-color: Black; scrollbar-3dlight-color: White; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Black; scrollbar-shadow-color: White; scrollbar-arrow-color: White;}A{COLOR:#000099;FONT-FAMILY:Andy;FONT-SIZE:11pt;TEXT-DECORATION:none}TD,P,body{COLOR:#000099;FONT-FAMILY:Andy;FONT-SIZE:11pt;}A:hover{COLOR:#000099;}</style> Step Four: Here's something else you can do. You can put an ElLiOtZiLlOr in your shop? What's that? It's something you can put on your site to make it cooler! I have a few for personal use. But don't thank me. Thank the Edis brothers (creators of EZONE). Here are the elliotzillors you can currently use and what you need to put in to use them (you have to scroll down a bit. The code for the elliotzillor you want is under it.):