Here we show you all the places in neopia you can visit and what you can do there!
OK, here it goes:
TERROR MOUNTAIN: Terror mountain is an icy world with THREE worlds inside of it! Sometimes you can get a random event where you get a negg. Watch out though ; at Terror Mountain there are bad random events as well. Your pet can be hit by snowballs or items can be stolen by the frost devil (I think that was his name... He only stole from me once). Here's a breif description of the worlds:
Happy Valley: At happy valley you can find: An old christmas drawing contest they held on Dec. 27th, 2000,printable gift tags, a slushie shop, the "snow wars" game(like battleship), "Grundo snow-throw" game (it's fun), the list of christmas colored pets AND ONE OF THE BEST THINGS IN THE GAME... The advent calandar! It's only open in December, but you can (sometimes) get awesome items like christmas paintbrushes or a techo cracker (an item that blows up, revealnig a toy inside)!
Sorry about all that boring stuff... That was pathetic...
Ice Caves: This is the second world inside TERROR MOUNTAIN. It currently has: A weapon (plus defence) shop, the neopian neggery (you can trade in your regular neggs for magic ones that do cool stuff there), the Arena of Ice (a battle dome location), the scratch-card game (do this only if you're really lucky), "the ice caves" game and the SNOWAGER's CAVE. You can go inside and, if he's asleep, take an item. Watch out though, he might wake up all of a sudden. To see the exact times he's asleep, go to the neopets4us hints and tips page (number one).
(top of) Terror Mountain: Finaly, terror mountain's top, dubbed terror mountain (they really should have thought about that one longer!). They have: "Cliff hanger" game (hangman), "Terror at 30,000 feet" game (not finished, though. It's been like that for ages!!!), Snow Quests, Snow food shop, Garage Sale shop (you can't haggle here... boo hoo. It's a really weird shop.), the Ski Lodge (an old competition), "Whack a beast" game, "poogle racers" neopedia article and the "Alpine Chalange" game. This is kind of fun, but too hard for me.
BELOW: A well-taken photo of Happy Valley, right outside the entrance of the Ice Caves (Ice Caves at way right, just a little down from the top) 
TYRANNIA: Tyrannia is a pre-historic world that was discovered when a huge rock smashed a hole in the bottom of the Ice Caves! I don't think you can lose things in a random event here... There used to be three worlds inside here, but they reduced it to two. Nothing wrong with that! Here's the first world: The Tyrannian Jungle: Let's see... It has a "Keno" gambling game, "Tyranuevau" game, printable coloring pages, "Switch-a-roo" game, "Wheel of mediocrity" game, a petpet shop, a pointless vilage page, a neohome furniture shop, and a food shop. Mmm-mmm! Reptilian arms(Yum?)! Let's go to the tyrannian plateau and check it out. The Plateau: Here we have... "GoGoGo!" card game, tyrannian arena (battledome location), town hall page (this had a purpose during the tyrannian war), "Chomby and the Fungus Balls" game, The Giant Omelette (free food every day that is worth three pieces of regular food), Concert Hall (and ticket booth) where you listen to annoying music, "Pterattack" game, "Kacheekers" multi-player game (it's checkers), tyrannian weapon shop and The Lair of The BEAST. Go in and be surprised! (BELOW: Tyrannia. Notice the muddy water.)

THE LOST DESERT: Ohhhh yes! FINALY I can just write an article about a one-world place! The lost desert has: A food shop, a petpet shop, "Geos" game, "Swarm" game, "Tug-o-War" game, abook shop (a scroll shop that is...), Sahkmet Palace, a paintbrush thingy, Brucey's war tent (this was in use during the war of Sahkmet), "Sahkmet Solitare" game, downloadable calculator, "Mummy Maze" game, "Scarab 21" game, Fruit Machine (once a day chance for desert food) and COLTZAN'S SHRINE. Once a day you can come here and try to win stuff. You can win 1,000,000,000 np!!!
No current picture of the lost desert! Couldn't find a cool real life one !
KRAWK ISLAND: Let's get down to the point... Play the games on the island (all of them give dubloons except armada) to earn dubloons, which are items you can use to buy stuff at krawk island. Everything for sale is bought with dubloons here! They have: 3D "Deckball" game (like soccer), Fungus Cave thingy (I'm not sure what the heck it's for yet! It's found at: "Deckswabber" game, Multiplayer "Armada" game, old Krawk Cup competition (where you used to bet on a neopets staff member and see if they won deckball against the otheres. Then you would've gotten a trophy), The Food Club (where you bet on an eater), a petpet shop, Dubloon O Matic (trade in dubloons of lower value for a high-value ones. Example: Trade in 2 lower-value dubloons for a higher value dubloon.), The Golden Dubloon (Coming Soon to Neopia!), The Academy (get your pets stats up for some dubloons!) and Smuggler's Cove. They only release about 20 of an item, then sell it here(for dubloons)!!! You're lucky if you even SEE IT IN THE SHOP!!!

NEW!: Meridell: Land of The Medieval Times!
Meridell is a world of medieval times. It contains 3 worlds in it.
Meridell World: This medieval place has Illusen's quest, the turmanculus( you can level up your petpet or win prizes!), turdle racing( just like poogle racing), kiss the mortog( game of chance),round table poker, ultimate bullseye, cheese roller( very difficult), shape shifter( hard puzzle game), The Castle(2nd World), Merifarm Acres(3rd World), Food shop( medieval food always sold out :( ), and Ye old petpets(Medival Petpets.
The Castle: Inside the glorious castle there is: Petpet Battledome(not finished yet in neopia), Meriball(fun game!), The Grumpy Old King(not finished in neopia yet),Double or nothing( complete game of chance)
Merifarm Acres: Inside the Acres tehre are some old fashioned farming games to be played: Guess the Weight( guess a number of the weight of the marrow, very chance),Potato Counter(easy game, count the number of potatos, win 50 np, you can play 3 times), Pick your own( wander around and find your own berries in a java script game( you get to keep what you find, sometimes horrible items), Tower of Turnips( game of chance, very difficult to understand)
Faerie Land:
a world of faeries and great things. In faerie land you will find 2 worlds:
Outskirts of Faerie City: Coulour game( color the pictures), Healing Springs( go here every half hour for healing magic), Wheel of Excitement( spin the wheel and win prizes(chance),Jhdoras Cloud( do evil quests for the dark faerie, if you do this you cannot do Illusen's quests), Faerie Cloud Racers( a trial game that is very easy), Faerie Caves( difficult puzzle game), Poogle Races( bet on a poogle and watch the race you can win np!), Faerie Petpets( a store for petpets), and Faerie City(2nd World)
Faerie City: Inside the city you will find:
Faerie Crossword(a crossword puzzle new every day), Faerie Costumes( pictures of faerie children), Faerie Quests( random events do not go here unless you have a random event faerie quest, find their item), Faerie Bookshop( store for faerie books), The employment agency( jobs for np, sometimes costs more to complete job then it pays you), Faerie Foods( food shop), and Math's Nightmare( math equations, gets hard after awhile)
Spooky World
In sppoky world you will find only 1 world. INside are magax( fun game, but long), Witch's Quests, Carnival of Terror(first person shooter), Spooky Paint Brushes(pets painted spooky), Haunted House(puzzle game), Spoooky Dome, Esophagor(quest),Brain Tree(works with esophagor), Korbats Lab( like breakout),neopets masks, coloring pages,spooky petpets(petpet store), and fetch(java search game)