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Everyoen here has sent me hate emails and doesnt really know much about neopets

Melanie: Your site is sick and demented!! I can't beleive
 that you would treat your pets the way that you
 claim you do. Animals are living things just like
 you are and how would you feel if you were treated
 that way. I have every intent on reporting you to
 the USPCA because of your illegal alleged acts
 against your animals. You should be ashamed of
My response: wow your a moron. neopets4us is a site dedicated for
 virtual pets, and they are not real. they do not die.
 you do not have to feed them, it is optional.
She emailed me two days later: Email from some girl named Melanie: You would think that you would try to promote your website and not
your website visitors. That is so wrong!! I have now pasted and copied
letter to me and my letter to you on many many many websites. Your
will now go down. All because of how you treat your website visitors!!!
Thanks for giving me a chance to see what kind of person is really
this website.

My response: ok, and tell me where they posted it, im not trying to be mean even though i sound mean, i helped millions of people who have emailed me, and i dont think my site is going down, because you know nothing about neopets, they are virtual, dont igsist, is where they belong and they are not liek real pets you care for(even though some people do and that is fine) dont think im a jerk or anything you just don't know about neopets and dont know what you are talking about.

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