A War is Rising you say? You need help? Well you've come to the right place my friend!
There are a few things you should know about wars. First I'm going to start by telling you about abilities .
Chapter 1. Section 1 General:abilities : Always use good abilities in war. The abilities are the most important factor of the war. They help you to take life of opponent quick, power yourself up, heal yourself, etc.
Section 2. Chapter 1. The best abilties: The best ability I believe is Drain. It take 11%( but lets make it 10% so it comes out even, although in battle it is decimals) of your opponents HP, and gives it to you. Imagine using Drain on the Boss of War. Say that boss has 1000 HP, you get 10%(100, if thats wrong i can't do math lol--Ark Angel), and 10%(11%) can be alot! You can only use drain about 3 times or 4 during a battle. So 4 times. 1000 - 400 = 600(plus 1% lol), and after you use that drain as many times as you can, you use weapons and fierce attack, but that is our next chapter. The other abilties that are very usefull in battle are healing abilities, they can restore your pet to full HP, or 50% HP, which is very usefull. So abilities are not hard to use.
Section 3 Chapter 1 Abilities : To get abilities you must buy faeries. Go to the shop wizard and search up Faerie, not just faerie, but either Dark,Light,Water,Fire,Earth, etc. before it. To get drain you have to be level 21, and have every ability before drain under dark abilities. The abilities go by levels. Click this to see what level you have to be for each ability. There are special secret abilities but I will not explain those. On to the next chapter.
Section 1 Chapter 2 When you run out of energy on abilities:
when you run out of energy, or the times you can use abilities, you have to use attacks and weapons. The attacks are basic such as fierce, sneaky, etc. Each kind of Pet has THREE( ONLY 3) special attacks for its species. Such as Grundo Blast, Grundo Stare, Grundo Glower. Those are a Grundo's three special attacks. You have to be certain levels for the attacks. Like at level one, i don't believe a grundo has any special attacks. You have to level up at the Krawk Academy or at the Mystery Island Academy. Now the academies cost Codestones(Mystery Island) or Dubloons(Krawk Island). You get them by random occurances, winnings(chance games like tombola), and buying them from shops. The higher your pet's level, the more codestones or dubloons you pay.
Section 2 Chapter 2 Weapons: Weapons are the second most important thing in battles. Especially in a war, weapons prove very useful. A well armed pet is a well armed machine. Now many people have opening moves, for instance my opening move is to use 2 exploding snowballs and the ability drain life. Now usually because of my pet's stats the first move is usually the last move in my fight, but that's only because what my pet is. Maybe staffs or wands are your thing? Maybe you want to collect the faerie weaponry? Whatever it is, i suggest you buy the Wand of The Light faerie, it is the strongest of the level one faerie items. So pick good weapons, if you have any questions just email Ark Angel about weapons.
Section 1 Chapter 3 Faerie quests: So you want to level up all your pet's stats quick eh? Before war times faerie quests are officially NOT rare. They always happen alot more right before a war starts. Now they are good. The only bad thing about them is that they raise the stats of random one of your pets. They are random occurances, but before a war you'll get alot of them for they happen alot before a war comes. You can go to the quest page to check on your current quests. Because they don't let you use the shop wizard, you could go on the chat and ask people to put it in their shops, or have a friend find a shop and link you to it, or just use another account to find the shop, but buy the item on your real account. So faerie quests ARE good.
Section 1 Chapter 4 The best skills to raise at the academy: The best skills to raise at the academy is a difficult choice. Agility can be raised but is not important during war, Strength is a major part of war, endurance(HP) is VERY important during war, defence is OK, and level isn't important during war UNLESS you're trying to get a certain faerie ability or special attack.
Section 1 Chapter 5 War Monsters & War Bosses: Bosses and Monsters in war are escpecially difficult. I suggest you use abilities. Drain is the best ability I can possibly think of for a war, as i mentioned earlier, and I mention every 5 seconds. So you should work your way to drain, then get some good weapons. Use the Healing Faerie in FaerieLand and she might heal you past your maximum hit points. When she does this, on the first move, you should use two weapons, and a good ability. This is only if she healthed you past your maximum hit points. The results of the first move should, and I say SHOULD, bring you just down to your regular maximum hit points. So if you have 50/12 after the first move youll have 12/12, MOST OF THE TIME,
but don't expect it with all the villains you battle. After the first move, i suggest you use two weapons, and a healing ability ( drain, heal, restore), and also you might want to buy a caustic potion, it hurts the enemy around 8 HP and heals you about 5 HP(but the healing and attacking is random everytime u use it, and u can use it once per battle unlimited!). I suggest you fill your inventory with weapons, like exploding snowballs(very good weapons!), or other weapons like the wand of the light faerie, etc.
These tips should keep you going, but if they don't try our F.A.Q. section.