Old News


Important Neo-News
Ark Angel's War Guide
War F.A.Q.
Weapon Descriptions
Hate Mails
my get rich quick sceme
Contact Ark Angel
Join the mail group!
Neopets4us Staff
How to make your shop sa-weet!
The World of Neopia
Old News
The Forum!
how to avoid hackers
About: Ark Angel
neopets hints and tips
Neopets hints and tips - 2
strategy guides
food recipes
Ark Angel's Chat
Neopets4us Competition HighScores
Neopets4us Images
What's Up
treasure hunt answers
neopets4us contests
how yo get along in neopets
how to beat punchbag bob
treasure map prizes
Elliotzilla's Neopets4us Theme Song
CODE CLUES (part of the new competition)


It's 2-day!
I just wanted to tell all you people who joined my guild or want to just go from 'thedictator2's gulid to 'thedictator3's guild. OK, I hope you understand now!
P.S: Please! I'm waiting for someone to do my puzzle!

Hey! Finaly! The golden dubloon!
I updated the World of Neopia page a little.
Yeah, I know, I haven't listed them all.
That might be coming soon! : )
Anyway, how come none of you have completed the puzzle? I'm going easy on you guys! Just read all the clues at the code clues page and then send all the codes to me at ! Don't forget to read the stuff at the contest page...

To make up to you I got a new 'sponser',! This is a really cool site all about ! Nice and handy ; )
(I FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!!!!!) I also finished the puzzle once and for all! Yay! Go to the code clues page to get a well-earned clue!
Let's see who's going to make it in those highscores!
P.S: You can still start! Go to the competition page and play!

Sooo sorry for not updating!
I've updated the new puzzle... There's a new code to be discovered! Yayyy.

More contest stuff!
That's right...
A new code piece!
Go to CODE CLUES page and find it before the evil time traveling pirates conquer all!!!
Plus I added a highscores page for our cool competitions.
Oops I took another break... Whoops!
I updated the world of neopia page because Krawk Island got bigger!
Anyway, the new code piece has been found SOMEWHERE ON THE SITE... WHY CAN'T *~YOU~* FIND IT?!?!?!?!?!
For clues and stuff to find code pieces, go to the new 'CODE CLUES' page!

Sorry about that delay... I was very busy! :D
Anyway, I added an Old News page (I think) so check it out!
AND I PUT IN SOME MORE TREASURE HUNT ANSWERS (along with a few reruns :D).
PLUS(!!!): (in pirate voice) Aye, matey, thar's a new online puzzle bein' made. In fact, you can start right now ,me laddie! Go to the contest page! Arr! Do it now, me laddie!
Sorry about yesterday... I said there was an Old News page but there wasn't! Oops I forgot!
Anyway I've changed the name of the Live Help page and put it to 'Contact Us'. Plus I added some stuff to it like automatic IM links and stuff. You can even click to IM Doctor Sloth!

I made a new 'what's up' article... Wassssssssssabi
Uh... sorry about that! :@)
Plus I put alot of old features and put them on the Old' News'(This is new) page!

1,5,02 (it's 02!!!)
Sorry I took that huge break...
I made a page where YOU get to tell me what to do on the site!
That's right! YOU tell me!!!
Copy this and paste it in the address bar:

Also you can talk to Doctor Sloth himself!
Copy and paste this into the place where you put the username of the person you're IMing:
NOTE: You can ONLY do this. Otherwise it will not work.
He wont ALWAYS be on... He has a universe to te, right? ;D
Today's the 30th...
Too bad the fruit machine is broken :(
I made a new 'What's up'! It's really different from last one.

I added a new article to the world of neopia page (finaly)!
I had fogotten to tell everyone about the cool guild I'm in!
You collect guild points from fighting, getting trophies, posting images, etc... to use in the guild shop! It's a cool way to interact with your guild! Plus, there's not very much members yet so join while you can!
(This below was the last message posted by Michael Bivins:)

today is a sad day for still like but i find updating more of a chore than fun.i have handed the site over to someone trustworthy.his username is
elliotzilla .i will be back to update every once in a while but not as i say my final words.its been fun...20000+hits,successfull site,one of my dremas came true.ive alwasy wanted a sucessfull site.good by my friends....
Sorry about yesterday... I said there was an Old News page but there wasn't! Oops I forgot!
Anyway I've changed the name of the Live Help page and put it to 'Contact Us'. Plus I added some stuff to it like automatic IM links and stuff. You can even click to IM Doctor Sloth!

I made a new 'what's up' article... Wassssssssssabi
Uh... sorry about that! :@)
Plus I put alot of old features and put them on the Old' News'(This is new) page!

1,5,02 (it's 02!!!)
Sorry I took that huge break...
I made a page where YOU get to tell me what to do on the site!
That's right! YOU tell me!!!
Copy this and paste it in the address bar:

Also you can talk to Doctor Sloth himself!
Copy and paste this into the place where you put the username of the person you're IMing:
NOTE: You can ONLY do this. Otherwise it will not work.
He wont ALWAYS be on... He has a universe to dominate, right? ;D
Today's the 30th...
Too bad the fruit machine is broken :(
I made a new 'What's up'! It's really different from last one.

I added a new article to the world of neopia page (finaly)!
I had fogotten to tell everyone about the cool guild I'm in!
You collect guild points from fighting, getting trophies, posting images, etc... to use in the guild shop! It's a cool way to interact with your guild! Plus, there's not very much members yet so join while you can!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday...
Anyway today I killed the flying Santa's. They never work and are so annoying!!!!!!
...And I added a new step to make your shop cool!

Yes, today is christmas! Jingle Bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egggggggg...
Anyway I fixed the flying Santa's. Everyone was wondering what I meant...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made a little test page where I put things I'm working on for the site. I'm warning you now. I bet you you'll be sending me emails saying 'what the heck?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?' (I had to type all that!!!).

These updates keep coming and coming today, don't they? :)
I made a neocircle for everyone! It's not just about neopets4us, it's about everyone's site. I'm hoping to make a big collection of neopets sites in one neocircle, making things eaisier and better for everyone! If you have a site, why not send it in and join? Go to the way bottom of the page!

YET ANOTHER UPDATE FOR TODAY....................
I noticed the address for our neo-net affiliate was changed so I fixed that and now the link works. Sorry about that everyone!

OK, now it's really Christmas Eve and I've added a new article to the "World of Neopia" page! Merrrrrrrrry Christmas Eve everyone!

Guess what!!!! It's Christmas Eve everyone!
I finaly got a bisuness card! I put it at the "about elliotzilla" page. Since it's the night of the 23rd and not really the 24th, I haven't added a new article to the "World of Neopia" page.

I decided to add an article about a world every day to my "World of Neopia" page. Now I have TERROR MOUNTAIN and TYRANNIA!

Hey cool! Check out the flying santa's! (If you don't see them you need a java-script enabled browser). Wait... I think I just saw an alien tagging along...
I'm adding a page about the world of neopia today!
So far I only have a guide for TERROR MOUNTAIN but I'm working on it...

Always wanted a shop like the pros do? Go to my new shop page!
AND (wow) I finaly got those darn desktop images working right.
Just go to the page on the top of the menu!

I think that's today's date...
I've been working on background images for a while... I tried every page that lets you upload files and it still messes them up...

I'll post them soon... Real soon...

Okay, so this is on the 8th. But it's late night.
Anyway, I made a huge update.
It's the music page!
You can listen to music I make/play!
So far I have the neopets4us site theme song...
I made it up myself!

I made an animated picture for all you ZAGRUH fans out there. The plot continues! Go to the contest page to see it!

What's up everyone?
I'm going to hire someone to make the new puzzle.
I'll pay in advertisments and other ways to increase your site's publicity! So... who's willing?
Instant Message me or send me an email at to settle a deal.

Wow, that's three new updates in one day!
You can now see the full solution to ZAGRUH!
(Go to the competition page for more details...)

I'm going to add an answer page that tells you how to beat ZAGRUH!

Our competition "ZAGRUH" is over! You can still play for fun (at . I suggest you copy that address.), but you can't win the prizes.
*SIGH* I guess neopia just blew up (too bad nobody deactivated that bomb!...)...
Don't worry, you will be able to win those prizes sooner or later... Once I make another one.

The new on-line puzzle ZAGRUH (brought to you by!) has been released and can be played at

<That's Z A G R U H (dot)(zero)C A T C H (dot) C O M>

Don't forget this might be harder than the crown mystery, but don't worry it's alot easier than NPv2.
Always check the source!

I'm adding more sponsers... Dum dee dum...
Noooo!!! The new competition everyone has been waiting for is heeerrrreee!!! (At least it WILL be in about 20 minutes...) If the site doesn't update in less than 40 minutes, then contact me via the live help page.
Uh oh tripod is crashing... It wont let me add a sponser...
Why not check it out by going to
AUUGHH!!! Hurry go to the contest page!!!

I fixed up the forum a little so you can now go to more than one subject! I'm going to little things here and there... So come back soon!
P.S: I just added the "newsletter" (It's sort of like the Neopian Times) called "What's Up"!

Okay finaly my site hosting system listened to me and you can go to the mail group and the forum(on the menu)! Oh yaaaaa! And don't forget I'm a member of my mail-group so you can always chat with me! Oh I'm also working on a weird contest... More info soon!

Sorry that I didn't update sooner...
You will soon be able to join a Mail Group and a forum!

This is the first update Iv'e made so far! I made a little page about me and I'm designing a chat room rigt now...


today is a sad day for still like neopets but i find updating more of a chore than fun.i have handed the site over to someone trustworthy.his username is
elliotzilla .i will be back to update every once in a while but not as i say my final words.its been fun...20000+hits,successfull site,one of my dremas came true.ive alwasy wanted a sucessfull site.good by my friends....

post by dj_crasin

11,05,01:im making a poll so u guys can vote on the next contest prize!


100000000000000 apologies to shoyruannia.the head boss at shoyruannia sent me an email with there new site and banner but i get s mcuh email i accidently deleted it!please if anyone knows the new site contact me!!!!!!!!!!!!!and in better news i have added a few suprises ;)


well well well.look who came crawling back.never mind forget it..........

new contest.the winner will reiceve a petpet paint not sure which color yet.and ill nuy the pp p/b soon and get a trade up.there a new rules to enter this contest.go to the neopets4us contests to see them.


WAZ^ isnt that getting anooying how people are doing that?i beilve its cuz of that darn cell phone comercial.aaaaanyway.the winner of the contest is posted in the contests section as always.maybe next time there will be some paint brushes at stake*hint hint* ;)


grrr!!!im raving mad at neopets.theyve messed up my plans so many freaking times but now theyve gone to far!retiring the battle slices.and that rod of dark nova is to expensive.and only 4 dark novas on the post?theres about one new one every few hours

update 9,26,01
im working on treasure hunt this will take a long time to do

yay another sign up just sign the guestbook with your username and youll be signed up.i still have to decide the prizes

update 9,25,01
new sweet more annoying over head links.many new pages added

the guy at neopetnexus has gone crazy.he asks for your password at that site.and he has a page refresher posted.thats crazy i tell ya

update 9,15,01

contst winner will be anounced on monday or tuesday/and i just joined a guild.i will put up a link soon.and if you go there and join,tell em dj_crashin re cruited ya.and i made a strategy guide for deckball

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