treasure hunt answers


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CODE CLUES (part of the new competition)

Apparently the Treasure Map Hunt Clues have been taken down because it was too simple to get the clues.  The trasure hunt map pieces are still available by random occurances and buying them from the shop wizard.

Feel free to look over the links even though they have no purpose now.

A way to share your web site with others that have common interests

Bid your way to the item you desire
Cartoons are awesome and cartoon games are even better
Does your pet have enough skills to survive the battledome
Earn rewards the easy way with the help of the neopet buttons and neobadge
Find the island mystic you must
For a game that is just out of this world
Have you adopted one of these slave pets yet
It is always better to give than to receive
Let everyone know just how much of a star your pet is
Make a wish and it just might be granted
Should you bring an umbrella today or will it beand sunny in Neopia
Tell your friends about the coolest site on earth
Test your memory skills in this game of concentration and speed
Test your neopet knowledge and win some quick np
The game for you is brought by king roo
Treat your pet to five star stay when you go on vacation
What are these neopoints and what can they do for me
Winning loads of np can be as simple as picking some numbers and buying a ticket
You should always have np stashed away for a rainy day
You would be wise to run the other way if you see one of these creatures Save the tuskaninny by quickly solving the puzzlePoogles are definitely the center of attention in this game Nigel is the king when it comes to buying and selling Do a good job and the faeries will surely bless your pet It is wise for you to run the other way

Check out these and see what you want if there:

A way to share your web site with others that have common interests
Are those knights I see before me
Be sure to watch out for those trees
Beware of those korbats and spyders
Best roller coasters in neopia
Bid your way to the item you desire
Cartoons are awesome and cartoon games are even better
Do a good job and the faeries will surely bless your pet
Does your pet have enough skills to survive battledome
Earn rewards the easy way with the help of the neopet buttons and neobadge
Find the island mystic you must
For a game that is just out of this world
Giant monsters duke it out and neopia hangs in the balance
Have you adopted one of these slave pets yet
How did my tail get so long
It is always better to give than to receive
It is wise for you to run if you see this fearsome creature
Let everyone know just how much of a star is your pet is
Make a wish and it just might be granted
Make your mark in Tyrannia by destroying all the coloured blocks
Most fantabulous game show on earth
Nigel is the king when it comes to buying and selling
Pawkeet and Mirgle battle it out
Poogles are definitely the center of attention in this game *****
Save the tuskaninny.... by quickly solving the puzzle
Should you bring an umbrella today or will it be bright and sunny in Neopia
Tell your friends about the coolest site on earth
Test your memory skills in this game of concentration and speed
Test your neopet knowledge and win some quick np
The game for you is brought by king roo
The Most fantabulous game show on earth
Treat your pet to five star stay when you go on vacation
What are these neopoints and what can they do for me
Winning loads of np can be as simple as picking some numbers and buying a ticket
You should always have np stashed away for a rainy day
You would be wise to run the other way if you encounter one of these creatures


*****More Info

1 . Poogles are definitely the center of attention in this game (You may need to click on the 'Let's Play' to get the next clue)  Try this link as well:

i did use the words from colaberation of site but i made the links so dont copy.and im not very good at making word links so dont insult my crappy links