CODE CLUES (part of the new competition)


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CODE CLUES (part of the new competition)

Competition Is Over.  Thank you for playing.

This is the first code piece you need: 7453

Find the next in a 'constant loop of words'. It will go around 15 times and then show you the code.

An inatimate object "brought to life" whom people like to beat up will tell you the 3rd piece... IN HIS OWN WORDS! That means you'll actualy be able to hear him say it!

The forth piece can be found by putting the following numbers together in order from first to last:
The age of neopia.
The only real number in this website's name.
When this clue was first discovered.

YOU'RE ALMOST DONE! JUST A FEW MORE CODE PIECES AND THOSE PIRATES ARE HISTORY (No, not destroying history... Uh, never mind.)!!!

Wait... Go and figure it out yourself! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Here's the code... SCRAMBLED UP!!! HA HA HA!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(it should look like this: 9432)

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