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The Neo-News!

The Daily Neo- News:

10,28,02 More Ghost Pets(getting boring?):
10,27,02 Random Erf: Even more ghost unreleased pets!

10,26,02 Ark Angel :GHOST PETS!

The Ixi is Unreleased
Unreleased Scorchio I think
Unreleased Chia
Aisha isn't unreleased I believe
Jetsam unreleased ghost, but not anymore (as of today)
9,11,02  Ark Angel: Jelly world? Coming to neopia soon? Meridell destroyed in war? Just some war rumors, but be on the lookout for Hubrid Noxx, people expect he'll have something to do with the war...and also, they suspect that the war will offer many new faerie quests( which is true) and betetr prizes on random uccrances.  I can't wait till december, i love the advent calender.
9,10,02 Ark Angel: Every single player on neopia knows a battle is coming.  That's why I am going to create the Guide to Battles!  Check The Nav Bar Soon For The Link
9,10,02 Ark Angel: Also there is a rumor of another battle dome challenger according to sources they just don't know what he looks like..I wonder.... they say he will arrive soon, why can't they get a picture in!
9,9,02 Ark Angel: I was Rummaging through mutant pets and I came across a mutant bruce! Unreleased, just so you know.

Check him out!

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