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here are my strategy guides that i have wrote.DO NOT COPY(unless these are published by the neopian times then u may)

Deck Ball:

how to play ball.pirate style

the game of deckball is not start off.when the ball 1st comes into play.dont move.let your opponent go get it.most of the time the opponent will knock it towards them.if that doesnt happen and the ball is in either corner and the oponent is with it ge right in front of the ball and stay put.dont let the oponent or the ball through over to your goal.then when the opponent knocks the ball back over to his side get in frot of your goal.if the ball comes toward you hit it back.but never EVER leave your goal un guarded.iif the oponet is close to you wait for him to shoot it then shoot it back.and try not to shoot the ball strait.try to bounce it off the wall to your opponents goal.

the specials can be usefull,but they can be a death trap.always stay away from the anchors.they will slow you down and will be your doom.always get the food items.they make u fatser and they make you hit the ball very hard.but dont be intoxicated by the speed.dont stray to far from you goal area.

using this startegy guide u will most likley win deckball
   Meerca Chase:

 Meerca chase can be a very simple game.  I like to play the super super fast mode.  Click the top right corner of the screen then press spcae bar to activate the super super fast mode.  I like to use what i call a box technique.  Left down up left down up.  I use this technique to get neggs easier than the regular approach.  If you play super fast mode you almost always get what you play for.  I suggest you have a goal.  My goal is that i will not accept the score if it is under 200 np prize.  My total score is 1080 or something , i played super fast and got a fish negg.  Fish neggs are veyr helpfull on super fast!  If you play this way i guarantee( dont hold me against it) you will meet your goal if you are good at meerca chase, or if you just are ok at meerca chase.  The box technique is shown below:

The Box Technique
Do like so, except stay in motion not stationary!

THESE STRATEGYS ARE COPYRIGHT and are property of neopets4us!if u want to use them contact me Ark Angel!