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here i teach you to avoid hackers

To avoid hackers never stray from this basic infomation.

never EVER give out your password

never change your email to something other than yours

never trade outside the trading post

never fall for things that say"buy this item and ill tell you a secret"or"buy this item and youll magically have 300000000000np"

dont stray far form thses rules.i will go into more detail later on

lesson1:if you are just roming neopets and someone neomails you.lets say the neomail said this"dear neopets user,neopets has been getting over crowded latley.and we wish to see which people use their acounts.if you do not send this message to 10 people your acoutn will be deletd."then simply delet it.its just spam junk mail.

lesson2.but lets say the mail says this"dear neopets user,neopets has been getting over crowded latley.u must fill in the fields below or have your acount deleted"



THEN YOU MUST REPORT THISE IMMEADITLY!!REPORT IT TO .tell them the username and what the email said.

lesson3:your on the chat board having a good time.then you see an add.the add says"if you buy a certain item from my shop i will give you a paint brush"the item will no doubt overly priced and expensive.just ignore it.dont buy the item.unless you have some strange urge,if you see a board that says "ill trade you my faerie p/b for a codestone"that is almost always a scam to get your good one in there right mind would make a trade like that.remember ONLY trade using the trading post were its almost impossible to scam you.
if you see somthing that is outragous or is most likely a scam dont be lured in by false promises of riches and glory.

lesson4:if your on the chat board and you see someone say "omg!!dung catapult in my shop for 50k!!!!!!!"then you go to the shop and it shows the looks all good and real.but then when you run the cursor over it you see in the bottom lefthand corner http:www.geocities
.com/whateverblahblahblah.if you see anything like that when you click on it it will take you to a faek olgin page.when you login using these pages it it sends your login information to whoever made the page.thise is a very comon scam.never i repeat NEVER login to anything besides that of neopets if it doesnt say dont click on the item.if you do clcik on it never under any circumstance sign in using it

next lesson:never download a strange "money making program"if it does work it will do 1 of 3 things.1 get your acount frozen and get you cash.or it will get your acount frozen and mess your computer up!so never ever do that!11!!!( wheres the third reason, i guess he never finished lol--ark angel) 

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