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the snowager sleep times are

1-2nst 8-9nst 10-11nst 1-2nst.this is from am to pm.left to right

the secret levels for meerca chase are simple.for the first one hold shift and press start.for the second click on the uper left hand corner.of the game box.there should be a place were a hand or somthing comes up.then after youve done that click start.

negg values.keep in mind thes are only the basic negg values.they dont include the special easter neggs

purple negg:2points
green negg:3 points
orange negg:4 points
blue and pink negg:5 points
yellow neg:6 points
iceneg:2 points
super ice negg:4 points
ultra ice negg:6 points
ultimate ice negg:8 negg points
most eatser neggs:10negg points


Q: At the Gallery of Evil, what is the character on the main page eating?
A: Pikachu

Q: At the Neopian National Bank, how many NPs do you need to open a Silver Saver account?
A: 5000

Q: How many buttons are on the Alien Aisha Vending Machine?
A: 3 BIG and 6 SMALL

Q: How many different kinds of neocoins are there?
A: 6

Q: How many different Neocoins are there?
A: 6

Q: How many different types of Neggs are there?
A: 8

Q: How many different types of Uber-faeries are there?
A: 6

Q: How many faeries do you win if you get three faeries in a row on Scorchy slots?
A. One

Q: How many items are you allowed to carry at any one time?
A. 50

Q: How many levels of difficulty are there in hide and seek?
A: 2

Q: How many neopoints do you get if you send in a good idea and we use it?
A: 100

Q: How many Neopoints do you get when you first create an account?
A. 500

Q: How many Neopoints does it cost to open a theme park?
A: 100

Q: How many Neopoints you get when you create a pet?
A. 50

Q: How many NPs do you get when you open a bank account?
A: 30

Q: How many numbers do you enter for the Neopian Lottery?
A: 6

Q: How many pieces of treasure maps are there?
A. 9

Q: How many points do you get if you submit something to the gallery and it is published?
A: 1000

Q: How many totems do you need in order to get to Mystery Island?
A: 3

Q: How many types of Nerkmid are there?
A. 6

Q: How much do you win at Guess the Card?
A: 5NP

Q: How much does it cost to buy a lottery ticket?
A: 10NP

Q: How much does it cost to play Dice-A-Roo?
A: 5

Q: How much does it cost to put a pet up for adoption?
A. 80

Q: How much does it cost to start your own shop?
A: 250NP

Q: How often are the games of Chia Bingo?
A. every 10 mins.

Q: I have a large body, spikes along my spine, and a cheeky grin. What am I?

Q: I have a plaster over my right eye....what am I?
A. Kiko

Q: I have stripes, I purr, and I come from the jungle. What type of pet am I?

Q: I have two long ears and I like to bounce around Neopia. What am I?

Q: I have two short ears and two long ears. What am I?
A. Aisha

Q: I run the Neopian Clothes Shop. What am I?

Q: I was once a slave for Dr. Sloth, but the Neopians saved my race. What am I?
A. Grundos

Q: I wear a bell around my neck. What am I?
A. An Aisha

Q: If you get 3 apples in a row on Scorchy Slots what do you win?
A: 40NP

Q: In Princess Fernypoos castle, what happened to anybody who beat her?
A: They were thrown in the moat

Q: The Sargasso Sea can be found in which ocean?
A. Atlantic

Q: The Slot Machine is run by one type of NeoPet, what is it?

Q: What colour is a Floud?
A: pink

Q: What creature does the Monocerous claim to have eaten 16 of in a week?
A: JubJub

Q: What do you have to do in Techo Says?

Q: What do you need to use The Alien Aisha Vending Machine?
A. a Nerkmid

Q: What do you need to win a faerie in Scorchy Slots?
A. 3 Faeries in a row on Win Line

Q: What do you receive when you get 3 peaches in a row in Scorchy Slots?
A. 60NP

Q: What does a Royal Flush get you in Neopoker?
A: 10,000 NP

Q: What does the breadmaster say?
A: Eata lofa breada day

Q: What does the Pant Devil do?
A. Steal an Item

Q: What does the Spider Queen do?
A: Attack creatures in her lair

Q: What elusive number do you search for during JubJub blackjack?
A: 21

Q: What is the Battle Faerie's Stallion called?

Q: What is the cure for Bubbles?
A: Hot Herbal Drink

Q: What is the evil fish?
A. Jetsam

Q: What is the FIRST name of the bounty hunter who was suspected of selling faeries on the black market?

Q: What is the lowest amount of Neopoints that you can have before you can't take money from the Money Tree?
A: 200NP

Q: What's the maximum number of Neopoints you can bet on blackjack?
A: 150

Q: What is the maximum number of pets you can have at one time?
A: 4

Q: What is the missing word: We won the big --------- award.

Q: What is the name of the NeoPets paper?
A: The Neopian Times

Q: What NeoPet is the dealer in blackjack?
A: JubJub

Q: What poem is quoted on the Gallery of Evil page?
A: Jabberwocky

Q: What species has four ears?
A. Aisha

Q: What's the maximum number of Neopoints you can bet on blackjack?
A. 150

Q: Where did Ursulla Usul train for the Gormball championships?
A: Top of Mount Usalin

Q: Where does the Koi come from?
A: Maraqua

Q: Where is the Poogle Racetrack
A: Faerieland

Q: Where is the Scratch Card Kiosk?
A: Ice Caves

Q: Where is the Trading Post?
A. On The Island

Q: Which character runs Dice-A-Roo?
B. Blumaroo

Q: Which character runs the Neopian Magic Shop?
A: Kauvara

Q: Which Chia is stuck in the ice cream factory in one of our games?
A: Adee

Q: Which country is not a member of the European union?
A. Switzerland

Q: Which faerie DOES exist in Neopia?
A. Space

Q: Which faerie helped defeat Dr. Sloth?
A. Space

Q: Which faerie pops up around the site, giving people points?

Q: Which football team is not in the 1999/2000 English Premier League?
A: Manchester City

Q: Which Lupe is stuck in the Ice Caves?
A: Garon

Q: Which monarch runs Dice-a-Roo?
A: King Roo

Q: Which NeoPet lives nearest to the water?
A: Kiko

Q: Which of the following is NOT a game on NeoPets?
A: Scorchy Soccer

Q: Which of the following isn't a NeoPet?
A: Tigra

Q: Who has been rumored to have stolen all the Neopian faeries?
A: Balthazar

Q: Who is on the cover of Stay Fit?

Q: Who is the bread master in the bakery?
A: Kacheek

Q: Who is the founder of VirtuPets?
A: Dr. Sloth

Q: Who is the god of Mystery Island?

Q: Who is the self-appointed, undisputed ruler of cheat?
A: Spectre

Q: Who recently started looking after the abandoned NeoPets in the pound?
A: Dr_Death

Q: Whose Uncle Tiberius lives in the Cloud World?

Q: Who is the cool, sauve, and sophisticated cheat player?
A: Agent 00 Hogg

Q: What neopet was found in Tyrannia?
A: Chomby

Q: What type of neopet is the doctor at the neopian hospital
A: Gelert

Mongmong + Snorkle = Moink
Poppit + Spyder = Spoppy
Anglepuss + Triffin = Blooky
Buzzer + Fungree = Foobug
neotrak + Avabot = ComboBot
Wheelie + Pinceron = Ultra Pinceron

for a more complete list including recipes visit

here is my theory on the faerie quests.

never do the earth faerie quests.she is a cheap skate and only bloots them.and only do the quests if it costs you under 2k.beacuse what you get may not be worth what you get.only do the faerie queens quest if it is cheap.her payoff of rasing all yuor pets stast is good.but it will most likley cost a budle to actually finish them.

heres the not so hidden tower location that should be me if its not

here are the cliff hanger pretty sure this is an incomplete list

A buzz will never sting you
A chia who is a mocker dances without a tamborine
A miss is a good as a mister
A neopoint saved is a neopoint not enough
A Scorchio is a good storyteller if it can make a Skeith listen
All roads lead to neopia
An air of mystery surrounds the acara
An idle mind is the best way to relax
An iron rod bends while it is hot
Ask a lot of questions but only take what is offered

Become a BattleDome master by training on the Mystery Island
Be nice to Shoyrus or else
Be sure to visit the Neggery for some great magical neggs
Better late then never
Better to be safe than meet up with a monocerous
Bouncing around on its tail the blumaroo is quite happy
Bruce could talk under cement with a mouthful of marbles
By all means trust in neopia but tie your camel first

Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the kau
Chias are lovable little characters who are full of joy

Doctor Sloth tried to mutate neopets but failed
Do not bathe if there is no water
Do not be greedy and buy every single food item from the shops
Do not open a shop if you cannot smile
Do not speak of an elephante if there is no tree nearby
Do not think there are no jetsams if the water is calm

Every buzz is a kau in the eyes of its mother
Experience is the comb nature gives us when we are bald

Faeries bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge
Fuzios wear the coolest red shoes

Grarrls are ferocious creatures or at least they try to be

Have you told your friends about the greatest site on earth
Have you trained your pet for the Battledome

If at first you do not succeed try the ice caves puzzle again
If you go too slow try to keep your worms in a tin
If you live with lupes you will learn to howl
If you see a man riding a wooden stick ask him why
If you want to have lots of adventures then adopt a wocky
If your totem is made of wax do not walk in the sun
It is always better to give than to receive

Jetsams are the meanest Neopets to ever swim the Neopian sea
Jubjubs defend themselves with their deafening screech

Kaus love to sing although they only know a single note
Keep your broken toys clean
Korbats are creatures of the night

Let every zafara take care of it's own tail
Love your neopet but do not hut it too much

Never underestimate the power of streaky bacon
No news is impossible

Oh where is the tooth faerie when you need her
Only ask of the Queen Faerie what you really need

Poogles have extremely sharp teeth and they are cuddly

Quiggles spend all day splashing around in the pool at the neolodge

Scratch my back and i will scratch yours
Skeiths are strong but very lazy
Super Glue is forever

The Alien Aisha Vending Machine serves great good
The best thing to spend on your neopet is time
The Bruce is from Snowy Valley High School
The Neopian Hospital will help get your pet on the road to recovery
The pen is mightier than the pencil
The pound is not the place to keep streaky bacon
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
The sunken city of Maraqua has some great hidden treasures
The tatsu population was almost reduced to extinction
The whisper of a acara can be heard further than the roar of a wocky
To know and to act are one and the same
Treat your usul well and it will be useful

You cannot teach a grarrl mathematics
You cannot wake a Bruce who is pretending to be asleep
You know the soup kitchen is a great place to go
You know your can create a free homepage for your pet
You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on

We never know the worth of items till the wishing well is dry
When an Elephante is in trouble even a Nimmo will kick him
When eating a radioactive negg remember the pet who planted it
When the blind lead the blind get out of the way
When there is smoke there is pollution
With the right training Tuskaninnys can become quite fearsome fighters

Under a tattered cloak you will generally find doctor sloth


1] Start off by playing poogle solitare and earn 750np a day. You can find the answers HERE If you have any spare time at the end of the day play it again, gain a special toy and sell it in your shop.

[2] Try and get some free items for your shop. You can do this by going to the giant omlette. Also go to the snowager. Hes in the Ice Caves and you can get items from him at the following neopets times. 1-2am = 1-2pm = 8-9pm = 10-11pm.

[3] You can get a large amount of money (1000-4000) by knowing the stockmarket. Buy 1000 of the chepest shares, say 6 np. That will cost you 6000 but it is 100% likely to go up within the next 12 hrs. Every 1 the share rises in you your shares will be worth 1000np more. Just sell them when you have made 2000np or more.

[4] Im sure you have heard this one many time before but games are brilliant ways of earning np. Poogle Solitare every day, wheel of excitement every 45mins, Kiko Match 3 times a day, meerce chase 3 times a day and many more including swarm! It is best way to make np give it a go at all the games and find out which one you are best at.

[5] Allways go onto the auction section and look around for good bargains in the auction place. Wait on the 21-40 items section and wait for a good bargain to come. Then when you get onto the bidding page refresh the page until you get to about 15 seconds left until the auction closes. Quickly put in a bid and you will that other people wont have enough time to bid and you will get a great item. You can find codestones in the auction for 3500 and sell them in your shop for 6000 in seconds.

[6] Remember to do the treasure hunt as many times a day as possible, once a day is enough but you can do it more if you have time. Sell the space map you get for 2000np each in your shop. It is better to sell them than to completed the map itself.

[7] If you are in the right time zone shop from about 2am Neopets Time (NPT) until 5am NPT. This is when hardly anyone is on neopets. You can buy flat-u-less and neopkins from the pharmacy and motes and sometimes faeries from the magic shop.

[8] Never waste your money on a theme park nor on a neohome. They are things that are just for show and its impossible to get a successful theme park that brings in a single np. If you are a millionaire even then you should think about wether you want a neohome.

[9] Spin The Tombola 2 times a day. Every seond time you spin it you should get a codestone! (on average)

[10] Play a full game of cheat, 9 rounds, and you should get neopoints and battlecards that you can sell for about 15,000np!!

[11] Grundos Gym is WiCkEd. For every 5 obstacles you complete you complete a level. For every 5 Levels you complete you get a membership card. For every membership card you have when you complete a level you get a 1000np bonus for completing a level. Example---I have 4 membership cards and i have just completed a level. I therefore get 4000 np.

[12] Buy all 9 space map peices (or collect a few aswell) for 18,000np MAX and sell all 9 in the trading post for something between 28,000 - 35,000. A full sey goes for loads of np. Thats a MINIMUM profit of 10,000np and you can buy all of the map peices as many times a day as you want. This rule can make big money!!

SHOP RESTOCKING TIMES - :04, :10, :17, :28, :38, :41, :48 SNOWAGER TIMES ARE: 1-2a, 1-2p, 8-9p, 10-11p

this page does not have any ways to cheat or take advantage of the flash games.and all imiages i use if i do are copyright of .i am just using them.